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High School Campus Library: Citation Assistance

APA Citation Guide

APA Format: Citation Guide

This is a complete guide to APA (American Psychological Association) in-text and reference list citations. This easy-to-use, comprehensive guide makes citing any source easy.


Figures and Tables

IBO: Effective Citing & Referencing

Effective citing and referencing (International Baccalaureate) by Lennox  Meldrum - issuu

APA Style Common Reference Examples Guide, APA Style 7th Edition

Citations in Visuals (e.g. Infographic and PowerPoint)

Always include a standard list of all the sources you used for the assignment. When possible, the list should be
formatted according to the specific referencing style that your instructor has asked you to use (APA) 

The format in which you provide this list will vary depending on your medium. If your medium does not allow for standard formatting (e.g., an infographic that lacks sufficient room for a double-spaced list), ensure that your reference entries are legible and distinguishable from one another, or consider using a link or handout to access the list in another document.

Video or Presentation with SlidesInclude your list of references on your final slide(s)/frames(s) OR: Link to or share the list in a separate document. 

In-text citations: Include standard in-text citations on your slides or background whenever possible. Slide Example

Poster or Infographic: Option 1: Include your list of sources in a section at the bottom of the poster. Option 2: Include the list in a separate document (e.g. in a linked Google Doc, or an accompanying printed document). 

In-text citations: To save space, you could use superscript numbers (also known as footnotes) instead of parenthetical citations. Some instructors may require a reference list but no in-text citations. Infographic Example

Images/Figures: Under the APA instructors may require you to use regular in-text citations for images OR to label all the figures numerically (e.g Figure 1, Figure 2), include a title for the figure (e.g. Sunset Walk) and proper attribution: author name, date, title, URL, and attribution license. Image Example

Speech, Podcast, or Other Audio Assignment: Hand in a separate list of references either electronically or as a hardcopy (whichever your instructor prefers).



This guide was created by Student Learning Services in collaboration with MRU Library. It is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

Sample Bibliography

APA reference page sample

APA Style Guide