How can I access Sora?
- Sora can be accessed on any device connected to the internet: computer, laptop, tablet, phone, etc. The only requirement is that an ISZL email address must be used to login (currently only for G4 to G12)
Do I need to be on the internet to use Sora?
- If you're on a laptop or computer, you'll need internet access. However, if you have already downloaded the free Sora app onto a phone, tablet, or other device, you can access ebooks and audiobooks from your library without the internet. You will need internet access to search for new books or checkout additional titles.
Can I use Sora outside of School?
- Sora can be used anywhere in the world with your ISZL email address.
When I go to checkout a book, I only see the option to reserve it. Why?
- Many titles on Sora are limited to one-user at a time. This means that if someone else has the book checked out, it cannot be accessed. If you reserve a title (put it on hold), you will be emailed when it is available.
Can the Librarians tell me who has a particular book on Sora checked out?
- No, we do not have access to this information.
Can the Librarians "force return" a book so my student can get it?
- No, we are unable to override the system and force a book to be returned. If someone needs a book that is currently checked out, please reserve it to put it on hold.
How can we get multiple copies of a title on Sora?
- The Librarians can order more copies of a title on Sora, although it is important to remember that audiobooks are notably more expensive than physical books. We can also look into paying extra for multiple use access to certain titles. Often this requires us to contact Sora or contact the publishers. The licensing agreements are different for every single book. If you know you have multiple students who will need access to the same title, please let us know in advance so we have time to work on this for you.